Canada’s anthem

Canada has made its anthem gender neutral and some would ask if something like that was necessary. The lyrics in question come from a time where those lyrics would have been accurate and now they are not but does that mean that it as many things that have evolved from history does not take a new meaning.

Gender roles in the recent past have been very divided, in most authoritarian regimes these divisions were made vital. Does that mean Canada in this new venture moves evermore away from being in that type of regime or does it actually cause the types of backlashes that are being experienced in other parts of the world?

It was always taken by me that to use a gendered noun does not mean it means that gender specifically but anyone in that category it merl comes from a place were at one time it would have been true that only men were soldiers for example. However, making an anthem gender neutral shows there is not only a difference that must be made but a disregard of the past or the “good old days” to some. This is something that is felt negatively by many and what is causing many o this issue we see today with people being concerned with their cultural identity.

It is true that it is not bad to change because cultures came from somewhere, to begin with, but after people want to know who they are and where they are from and these changes can make them very uneasy.

More on the anthem change

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